Ok so this has been a great week. Brianna has slept for 6 nights in a row! I probably should not even type this because I may be eating my words tonight, but I am still optimistic that this is working. I had to let her cry it out which I struggled with for a while, but Brianna has turned out to be a textbook colic baby so it really worked for her in 4 nights. I am sure as all the experienced moms out there tell me teething, colds, and vacations will cause some setbacks, but hopefully now that she has learned to put herself back to sleep my sleeping in 1 -2 hour increments for the last 5 months are a thing of the past. I cannot believe she is 5 months tomorrow. She is truly developing a personality now, and I love to see her little emotions, happiness, excitement, frustration, confusion, and contentment are just a few that are so visible now on a daily basis. She is a true smiley baby and is quick to reward everyone that says hello to her. Greg's b-day was Monday, I will post pics from our family day from Saturday soon. Ok well the laundry is done, so back to work.....
I agree. She is a cutie pie!
So how did the week end up playing out?! You can't leave you blogging audience hanging! Hope all turned out well and she is continuing to sleep as soundly as a five month old possibly can... keep the pics. coming, unless you want us to just show up unannounced at your door to catch a glimpse... we all know that would be such a treacherous journey... it may take days... LOL!
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