I can't believe it is 2009 already, 2008 was so full it really seems like a blur. I am so excited to watch my little girl grow this year, I know it will go by fast so my goal is to enjoy every minute of it. Brianna is 4 months old and is really starting to explore her world. She is grabbing at her toys and pulls them to her mouth. She loves her lotion time which happens at least 3 times a day because of the eczema. The eczema is getting much better on her body and now it is only really irritated on her poor little face. Sleep is still a huge challenge, but I am hopeful that 2009 will bring our whole family more rest. Brianna starts daycare on Monday, so I will keep everyone up to date on how that goes. I am a little nervous about it, but I know she will be OK. Wow she is already waking up from her afternoon siesta, dang. I will post again later.
Hi from the Elgan Family in Connecticut.
Nice to see there are getting to be more Elgans in the world.
Your daughter is very cute.
Steve and Barbara Elgan
OMG its 2009!!! Brianna is adorable, I can't beleive she is already 4 months! Hope her first day at school went good!
On another note, so I tried to look at your blog and it made me sign up for my own<: The name is TheNicholasParty but I still don't know how to add friends so I can easily see their blog like you have...I can't believe it but I need your help on electronics!!!!! OH MY I'M REALLY OUT OF IT!!! <: Help
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